
  • 分類篩選
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Neutralizing buffer
Neurospora culture agar
Neurospora minimal medium
Niacin assay medium
Nitrate broth
Nutrient agar medium
Nitrate broth, trypticaseTM
Novobiocin antimicrobic supplement
Nutrient agar medium
Nutrient broth
Nutrient gelatin
Nutrient mixture
Nzcym broth
Nzym brolth
N -z amine with soluble starch and glucose


The Lactobacilli MRS Agar is apt for the growth of lactic acid bacteria, including Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, Pediococcus and Leuconostoc. Click below PDF file for product information.


Oat flake medium
Oatmeal agar
Oatmeal extract
Oatmeal extract (oa) medium
Oatmeal iv
Oa-y agar
Of basal medium
Ogye agar base oxyteracycline glucose yeast extract
Orange serum agar
Organic medium 79 medium
Oxford medium base


The Lactobacilli MRS Agar Food Grade is apt for the growth of lactic acid bacteria, including Lactobacillus, Streptococcus, Pediococcus and Leuconostoc. Click below PDF file for product information.


Palcam antimicrobic supplement
Palcam medium base
Pantothenate assay medium
Penicillinase concentrate
Peptone iron agar
Peptone meat extract glycerol agar
Pityssosporum medium
Peptone corn agar
Pept-carg-double starch medium
Peptone-starch-carbonate medium
Peptone water minimal medium
Phenol red agar base
Phenol red dextrose broth
Phenol red lactose broth
Phenol red mannitol agar
Phenol red sucrose broth
Phenylalanine agar
Phosphate buffer
PhytoneTM yeast extract agar
Plate count agar
Potato carrot agar
Potato dextrose aga
Potato extract agar
Potato dextrose broth
Potato infusion agar
P p starch medium
Pseudomonas saccharophila
Potato sucrose agar
Pplo agar base
Pplo broth base without crystal violet
Presence-absence broth
Proteose no. 3 agar
Pseudomonas agar
Pseudomonas solanacerum medium
Pyg medium
Pseudomonas isolation agar
Purple agar base
Pyridoxine y medium